They lock up.
Hulk Hogan runs into the ropes.
Hulk Hogan misses with a clothesline.
The Ultimate Warrior misses with an elbow.
The Ultimate Warrior hits Hulk Hogan with a kick.
The Ultimate Warrior hits Hulk Hogan with a punch.
The Ultimate Warrior gives him a bodyslam, but Hulk Hogan only stares at him.
The Ultimate Warrior goes for a Gorilla Press, but Hulk Hogan blocks it.
Hulk Hogan runs into the ropes.
The Ultimate Warrior hits Hulk Hogan with a clothesline.
The Ultimate Warrior goes for a punch, but Hulk Hogan blocks it.
Hulk Hogan goes for a headbutt, but The Ultimate Warrior blocks it.
The Ultimate Warrior executes a Gorilla Press on Hulk Hogan.
The chants for The Ultimate Warrior are deafening.
The Ultimate Warrior goes for the Big Splash, but Hulk Hogan counters it with
a roll away.
Hulk Hogan nails The Ultimate Warrior with a forearm to the back.
Hulk Hogan goes for a bodyslam, but The Ultimate Warrior counters it with
a small package.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The Ultimate Warrior takes Hulk Hogan down with a bodyslam.
The Ultimate Warrior uses a roundhouse right on Hulk Hogan.
The Ultimate Warrior hits Hulk Hogan with a bodyslam.
The Ultimate Warrior shakes the ropes.
The crowd is behind The Ultimate Warrior all the way.
The Ultimate Warrior goes for an inverted atomic drop, but Hulk Hogan blocks it.
Hulk Hogan goes for a bodyslam, but The Ultimate Warrior counters it with
a facerake.
The Ultimate Warrior takes Hulk Hogan down with a bodyslam.
The Ultimate Warrior takes Hulk Hogan down with a bodyslam.
The Ultimate Warrior uses an inverted atomic drop on Hulk Hogan.
The Ultimate Warrior gives him a facerake, but Hulk Hogan only stares at him.
The Ultimate Warrior takes Hulk Hogan down with an inverted atomic drop.
The Ultimate Warrior takes Hulk Hogan down with an inverted atomic drop.
The Ultimate Warrior goes for a punch, but Hulk Hogan counters it with
a roundhouse right.
Hulk Hogan executes an elbowsmash on The Ultimate Warrior.
Hulk Hogan uses a chop on The Ultimate Warrior.
Hulk Hogan uses a bodyslam on The Ultimate Warrior.
Hulk Hogan executes a bodyslam on The Ultimate Warrior.
Hulk Hogan whips The Ultimate Warrior into the ropes, but The Ultimate Warrior
reverses it.
Hulk Hogan hits The Ultimate Warrior with a clothesline.
Hulk Hogan takes The Ultimate Warrior down with a punch.
Hulk Hogan goes for a bodyslam, but The Ultimate Warrior blocks it.
The Ultimate Warrior uses a bodyslam on Hulk Hogan.
The Ultimate Warrior uses an enzuilariato on Hulk Hogan.
The Ultimate Warrior goes for an enzuilariato, but Hulk Hogan counters it with
a backward kick.
Hulk Hogan whips The Ultimate Warrior into the ropes.
Hulk Hogan misses with a shoulderblock.
The Ultimate Warrior hits Hulk Hogan with a clothesline.
The Ultimate Warrior whips Hulk Hogan into the ropes.
Hulk Hogan hits The Ultimate Warrior with a clothesline.
Hulk Hogan uses a headbutt on The Ultimate Warrior.
Hulk Hogan is going for the cover.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Hulk Hogan takes The Ultimate Warrior down with an elbowdrop.
Hulk Hogan whips The Ultimate Warrior into the ropes.
The Ultimate Warrior hits Hulk Hogan with a shoulderblock.
The Ultimate Warrior gives him a bodyslam, but Hulk Hogan doesn't even care.
Hulk Hogan kicks The Ultimate Warrior.
The crowd is behind Hulk Hogan all the way.
Hulk Hogan punches The Ultimate Warrior.
Hulk Hogan takes The Ultimate Warrior down with a bodyslam.
Hulk Hogan hits an elbowsmash on The Ultimate Warrior.
Hulk Hogan runs into the ropes.
Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior get hit with a double clothesline.
Hulk Hogan hits The Ultimate Warrior.
The crowd erupts.
The Ultimate Warrior kicks Hulk Hogan.
The Ultimate Warrior hits Hulk Hogan.
The chants for The Ultimate Warrior are deafening.
Hulk Hogan punches The Ultimate Warrior.
The Ultimate Warrior hits Hulk Hogan.
The crowd is giving The Ultimate Warrior a standing ovation.
Hulk Hogan chops The Ultimate Warrior.
The Ultimate Warrior chops Hulk Hogan.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Ultimate Warrior chops Hulk Hogan.
The Ultimate Warrior hits Hulk Hogan.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Hulk Hogan kicks The Ultimate Warrior.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Hulk Hogan.
The Ultimate Warrior kicks Hulk Hogan.
The crowd erupts.
The Ultimate Warrior takes Hulk Hogan down with a Gorilla Press.
The Ultimate Warrior goes for the Big Splash, but Hulk Hogan counters it with
a knee pull-up.
Hulk Hogan uses a roundhouse right on The Ultimate Warrior.
Hulk Hogan hits a roundhouse right on The Ultimate Warrior.
Hulk Hogan takes The Ultimate Warrior down with a chop.
Hulk Hogan hits The Ultimate Warrior with a roundhouse right.
Hulk Hogan chops The Ultimate Warrior.
Hulk Hogan punches The Ultimate Warrior.
The crowd is giving Hulk Hogan a standing ovation.
The Ultimate Warrior chops Hulk Hogan.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Ultimate Warrior.
Hulk Hogan punches The Ultimate Warrior.
The crowd erupts.
Hulk Hogan chops The Ultimate Warrior.
The crowd is giving Hulk Hogan a standing ovation.
Hulk Hogan chops The Ultimate Warrior.
The crowd is giving Hulk Hogan a standing ovation.
The Ultimate Warrior kicks Hulk Hogan.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Ultimate Warrior.
Hulk Hogan punches The Ultimate Warrior.
Hulk Hogan takes The Ultimate Warrior down with a bodyslam.
Hulk Hogan goes for an elbowdrop, but The Ultimate Warrior rolls out of the way.
The Ultimate Warrior goes for a Gorilla Press, but Hulk Hogan counters it with
a facerake.
Hulk Hogan kicks The Ultimate Warrior.
Hulk Hogan chops The Ultimate Warrior.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Hulk Hogan takes The Ultimate Warrior down with a chop.
Hulk Hogan hits The Ultimate Warrior.
The Ultimate Warrior kicks Hulk Hogan.
The crowd is giving The Ultimate Warrior a standing ovation.
Hulk Hogan punches The Ultimate Warrior.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Hulk Hogan.
The Ultimate Warrior punches Hulk Hogan.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Ultimate Warrior.
The Ultimate Warrior whips Hulk Hogan into the ropes.
The Ultimate Warrior hits a clothesline on Hulk Hogan.
The Ultimate Warrior uses a bodyslam on Hulk Hogan.
The Ultimate Warrior whips Hulk Hogan into the ropes.
The Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan get hit with a double clothesline.
The Ultimate Warrior goes for a roundhouse right, but Hulk Hogan blocks it.
Hulk Hogan hits The Ultimate Warrior with a punch.
Hulk Hogan nails The Ultimate Warrior with a bodyslam.
Hulk Hogan is going for the pin.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Hulk Hogan complains about a slow count.
Hulk Hogan whips The Ultimate Warrior into the ropes.
Hulk Hogan misses with a shoulderblock.
The Ultimate Warrior nails Hulk Hogan with a flying shoulderblock.
The crowd erupts.
The Ultimate Warrior uses a bodyslam on Hulk Hogan.
The Ultimate Warrior takes Hulk Hogan down with a facerake.
The Ultimate Warrior gives him a chop, but Hulk Hogan only stares at him.
Hulk Hogan hits a bodyslam on The Ultimate Warrior.
Hulk Hogan goes for a stomp, but The Ultimate Warrior rolls out of the way.
The Ultimate Warrior nails Hulk Hogan with a Gorilla Press.
The Ultimate Warrior executes the Big Splash on Hulk Hogan.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
Hulk Hogan takes The Ultimate Warrior down with a chop.
Hulk Hogan goes for a roundhouse right, but The Ultimate Warrior
counters it with a punch.
The Ultimate Warrior punches Hulk Hogan.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Ultimate Warrior chops Hulk Hogan.
The Ultimate Warrior executes a Gorilla Press on Hulk Hogan.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Ultimate Warrior.
The Ultimate Warrior shakes the ropes.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Ultimate Warrior goes for the Big Splash, but Hulk Hogan counters it with
a knee pull-up.
Hulk Hogan punches The Ultimate Warrior.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Hulk Hogan chops The Ultimate Warrior.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Hulk Hogan.
Hulk Hogan kicks The Ultimate Warrior.
The crowd erupts.
Hulk Hogan goes for a punch, but The Ultimate Warrior reverses it.
The Ultimate Warrior goes for a clothesline, but Hulk Hogan counters it with
a Gorilla Press.
The crowd is giving Hulk Hogan a standing ovation.
Hulk Hogan throws The Ultimate Warrior out of the ring.
Hulk Hogan goes through the ropes.
Hulk Hogan goes for a bodyslam, but The Ultimate Warrior counters it with
a small package.
The Ultimate Warrior gets back into the ring.
Hulk Hogan rolls back in under the bottom rope.
The Ultimate Warrior gives him a facerake, but Hulk Hogan doesn't budge.
The Ultimate Warrior nails Hulk Hogan with a punch.
The Ultimate Warrior takes Hulk Hogan down with a bodyslam.
The Ultimate Warrior throws Hulk Hogan out of the ring.
The Ultimate Warrior goes through the ropes.
The Ultimate Warrior shoves Hulk Hogan into the guardrail.
The Ultimate Warrior runs Hulk Hogan into the ringpost.
The crowd is giving The Ultimate Warrior a standing ovation.
The Ultimate Warrior runs Hulk Hogan into the ringsteps.
The Ultimate Warrior runs Hulk Hogan into the ringsteps.
The crowd is giving The Ultimate Warrior a standing ovation.
The Ultimate Warrior throws Hulk Hogan into the guardrail.
The Ultimate Warrior hits Hulk Hogan with a punch.
The Ultimate Warrior throws Hulk Hogan into the guardrail.
The Ultimate Warrior goes for a punch, but Hulk Hogan blocks it.
Hulk Hogan uses a roundhouse right on The Ultimate Warrior.
Hulk Hogan throws The Ultimate Warrior into the guardrail.
Hulk Hogan goes for a bodyslam, but The Ultimate Warrior blocks it.
The Ultimate Warrior throws Hulk Hogan into the ringpost.
The Ultimate Warrior hits a bodyslam on Hulk Hogan.
The Ultimate Warrior goes for a clothesline, but Hulk Hogan
ducks out of the way.
Hulk Hogan hits The Ultimate Warrior with a forearm to the back.
Hulk Hogan whips The Ultimate Warrior into the guardrail.
Hulk Hogan hits a punch on The Ultimate Warrior.
Hulk Hogan goes for a bodyslam, but The Ultimate Warrior counters it with
a facerake.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Ultimate Warrior runs Hulk Hogan into the ringpost.
The Ultimate Warrior throws Hulk Hogan into the guardrail.
The Ultimate Warrior shoves Hulk Hogan into the guardrail.
The Ultimate Warrior throws Hulk Hogan back into the ring.
The Ultimate Warrior takes Hulk Hogan down with a Gorilla Press.
The Ultimate Warrior executes the Big Splash on Hulk Hogan.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.

The winner is The Ultimate Warrior. Time of match: 0:16:16

Click here to return to Judgment Day.

Rich, 12-11-2005