(The scene cuts to the boiler room, where Mankind can be seen huddled in the
corner.  Into the shot walks Al Snow.)

Don't hurt me Al, I didn't do anything wrong.

Al Snow:
Mick, I'm not here to hurt you, I just wanna talk.

Last Monday, you didn't have to be scared of the people seeing your face, 
they've seen it before Mick.  You can't just hide out here all the time, not
with your match at No Way Out coming up.  Are you just gonna hide away from
that too?

Al, you don't understand.  My face is hideous, and I can't just ignore my
ugliness and face the people, like you do with yours Al.  But on Sunday night,
it won't be a problem.  You see, when I'm done smashing Kurt Angle's face in
with a ladder, and not mention loving every second of it, Kurt Angle's face
is gonna look a whole lot worse than mine.  I'll have my mask back, while
Kurt Angle will have to spend the rest of his days as a hideous freak, hiding
away in a boiler room, just like I do. 

Al Snow:
Mick, we've been through this a hundred times.  You don't have to hide away
in here.  

You're right Al, I don't have to hide away, not for much longer anyway.  But
until then, I choose to stay here.  After all, George needs me Al.

Al Snow:
Mick, that's a toy rat.  The real George died years ago.

LIAR!  Al, just leave be with my thoughts for now.  I will emerge this Sunday
night, but until then, you, Kurt Angle, and all the fans can continue to have
a nice day!

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Rich, 12-11-2005